There are a variety of font types (for example the logo and the tour date text) and links to other media, such as Facebook, MySpace and RSS feeds.
The photographs are an appropriate size and shape, nothing is overlapping where it shouldn't be and everything has it's place.
I like this website too because of the composition, and the way it appears that everything has been done from the ground up. The sketchy style is interesting, and the way it has been done shows technical skill.
There are plenty of hyperlinks to other pages and to other media i.e RSS feeds.
The blog posts down the centre work well, as does the music player at the top, though the positioning seems off, I do do wonder if it came off centre by accident at some point?
The fanbase login is a good idea, showing (if it worked) that the website would be technically complex.
As much as I like this website, there isn't any images of the band visible, so it misses out on some crucial marks.