Friday, 16 December 2011

Final Website and Digipak Designs

These are the final designs for the Digipak, inside and out.

For the front cover we decided to use an image of the band and 'Robert Smith' holding a dolls head, representing the female actress in the music video. The way the colours have been effected is similar to how we plan to effect the colours in the video, including the colour bleaching at the top.
The image on the fron cover originally wasn't tall enough, so we extended the already bleached top upwards into white, which gave us plenty of space for the band's logo.
We have used the same logo we designed for the website on the cover, as well as the font we used for titles/subtitles for the song names/album name.
On the back we liked the look of this image taken during filming, as we liked the colours and the composition, we thought it would look effective with the song titles down the middle between the band members.
The copyright information was adapted from an existing digipak, but modified to fit our band and record label (Lies Records). The barcode was from an open-source/royalty free website found through google.

The inside of the digipak took more work than the outside.  The image on the left was originally a portrait shot and much narrower, as well as less colourful or exposed. In photoshop we added some exposure to the top of the image, and a yellow hue, as well as reflecting and warping the edges to extend the image outwards further. On the right side, we wanted a brick pattern, similar to the other side. We took a selection of the image on the left, made a pattern from it, and used that, with some colour editing (a simple linear black-to-white gradient layered above it created the dark to light effect) and tweaking. We couldn't decide what to do for the CD itself, though we had already placed the logo and title on there. It was suggested by a teacher that the fishnet pattern from 'Alice Glass's tights would look visually interesting, so we took a selection from an image, created a repeating pattern and enlarged it, creating a kaleidoscope effect.

Overall, I'm very happy with the Digipak design, and I think it reflects the band and music video well.

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